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Thursday, February 28, 2008

A day-long business seminar, "Positive Listening" will be held on Friday March 28 2008 at the Community College of Vermont's Upper Valley Campus in Wilder, Vermont.  The seminar, built around an online listening assessment, is conducted by True Azimuth, LLC in cooperation with the Business and Entrepreneur Network.

"It is estimated that people screen out or misunderstand the intended meaning or purpose of a message in over 70 percent of communications, making listening the biggest contributing factor to miscommunication,"  says business and personal coach Scott Graham.  "Listening is more than hearing. It is the ability to receive, attend to, interpret, and respond to verbal messages and other cues, like body language, in ways that are appropriate to the purpose." 

The investment of $91 includes all training materials, the pre-course Listening Profile, a 16-page report with individualized recommendations, and a continental breakfast.  Business and Entrepreneur Network members and Chamber of Commerce members receive a discount.

For more information, call Coach Scott Graham a 802-380-1026.  Register online at   True Azimuth, LLC has been providing business and personal coaching since March 2006.  They are located on the web at  The Business and Entrepreneur Network is a membership organization helping professionals to "work on -- not just in - your business."  They are located on the web at