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A day-long business seminar, "Achieving Life Balance" will be held on Friday November 30 2007 at the Community College of Vermont's Upper Valley Campus in Wilder, Vermont. The seminar, built around The Coping and Stress Profile from Inscape Publishing, is conducted by True Azimuth, LLC in cooperation with the Business and Entrepreneur Network and Massage Therapist, Lynne Walker.
"Stress is a big problem for business -- and the holidays only magnify that issue,"says Graham. Graham, who has conducted the seminar since 2006, is collaborating this year with Walker to add a special touch for the holidays.
"Other stress-management approaches focus primarily on using personal coping resources such as exercise, nutrition, and building self-esteem to deal with stress in a do-as-I-say format," says Scott Graham, business coach. "This workshop uses a self-directed assessment that provides personal insight and direction -- people leave with tangible strategies around stressors."
Workplace stress costs the nation more than $300 billion each year in health care, missed work and stress reduction efforts according to the American Institute of Stress. 1 out of 5 workers are at risk for stress related health problems. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that Workers who are stressed incur health care costs that are 46 percent higher, or $600 more per person, than other employees.
The investment of $82.50 includes all training materials, a 32-page self-directed assessment with action-planning worksheets and a continental breakfast. Business and Entrepreneur Network members and Chamber of Commerce members receive a discount.
For more information, call Coach Scott Graham a 802-380-1026. True Azimuth, LLC has been providing business and personal coaching since March 2006. They are located on the web at The Business and Entrepreneur Network is a membership organization helping professionals to "work on -- not just in - your business." They are located on the web at Lynne Walker has been providing massage services since 2004 and has an office in Norwich, Vermont. For more information about therapeutic massage call 603-252-6664.
The weekly teleclass component of the Reality Coach credential is now recorded and available online at or It is also streamed in directly at the main Reality Coaching site (in the feeds area). So you now never have to worry about missing a call.
Reality Coaching -- an approach to business coaching / life coaching using an established model -- has an entire learning website avaiable for coaches who want to move beyond a constellation of disperate techniques or gut feelings to a model for growth and change used by thousands of "change agents" -- counselors, social workers, personal coaches, marriage and family therapists -- world wide.
You can participate in any number of ways -- from online blogging as you read texts to publishing papers that show the power of Reality Coaching -- to the weekly teleclass -- to live role plays via conference calls. You keep track of your own progress and success via your own personal website / e-portfolio that is assigned and created for you at (registered participants only).
One final note, listening to a recording of a Reality Coaching teleclass does not count as meeting one of the requirements toward the Reality Coach Credential (which is participating in the teleclass).
The word-of-the-week is a special CompassCast series on evil words -- words that keep you stuck -- words that keep you just good or OK -- never great -- words to eliminate from your vocabulary.
The word-of-the-week for October 21st 2007 is "IF".
MP3 File
Starting this week, you can listen to a new series on CompassCast: the Word of the Week.
As a business coach / life coach, I am keenly aware of how our thinking -- often expressed through our language -- impacts not only our behaviors but our emotional state along the way to reach the goals we set.
Thinking-actions-emotions-physiology. All are intertwined.
Shift how you talk and you will shift your relationship to your goals.
Get your bearings and get going!®
©2007 True Azimuth, LLC
Business Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Life Coaching
Listen -- write -- and think -- as coach Scott Graham engages you through a series of activities to explore the impact of the people you "hang out" with on the direction and quality of your life.
MP3 File
Starting this month, you can now listen to Compass, the bi-weekly podcast that helps you get your bearings and get going®, on this blog.
I am excited about this new opportunity to communicate strategies and create insight for people who want more balance, direction and fulfillment in their life, career or relationships.
Each CompassCast™ will have its own, distinct blog entry with a description of the audio. You can listen from the audio by clicking on the play button below the description. You will also be able to subscribe via iTunes, Google, Yahoo or your favorite podcast player.
Besides only coming out every other week (on Sundays) CompassCasts are short, too-the-point and provacative experiences that I hope will help you go -- as Jim Collins' says -- from Good to Great!
Thanks for listening!
©2007 True Azimuth, LLC
Business Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Life Coaching